Schlagwort: Rotate

„Rotate“ bezeichnet Sling Trainer und Übungen die anhand des Varosling Rotate entwickelt wurden. Dieser Schlingentrainer hat eine besonders hochwertige und leichtgängige Umlenkrolle die besonders intensive Übungen aber auch spezielle Partnerübungen – z.B. im Bereich Personal Training – erst ermöglicht.
Der Variosling Rotate Schlingentrainer mit Umlenkrolle ist nichts für Anfänger! Beim Training mit dem Rotate sind Profis gefragt.

Chest: Flys lying (lap)

Primary: Chest, Abs (pectoralis, transversus)Secondary: Arms, Shoulders (triceps, deltoideus) The exercise Fly trains intensively the entire chest muscles. The feet have an important role to play regarding the core training and can be set wider if necessary. Training Bauchübung Starting...Weiterlesen: Chest: Flys lying (lap)

Abs: Pullover lying (lap)

Primary: Abs, Chest, Back (pectoralis, abdomini, latissimus dorsi, teres major)                   Secondary: Shoulders, Arms (deltoideus, triceps)) This exercise trains both abdominal and chest muscles very intensively. The upper bodyis slightly raised performing the pullover exercise for the abdominals. Sling...Weiterlesen: Abs: Pullover lying (lap)

Chest: Chest-Press (map)

Primary: Chest, Shoulders, Arms (pectoralis, deltoideus, triceps brachii) Secondary: Abs (abdomini) The Chest-Press exercise intensively works out the chest and arm muscles. The core muscles must be extremely stabilized as well. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand sideways to the suspension...Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest-Press (map)

Abs: Rotation (map)

Primary: Abs (abdominis transversus) Secondary: Shoulders (infra-/supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis) The two handed external rotation trains especially the lateral core muscles. These muscles support many movements while playing golf or tennis for example. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand with the...Weiterlesen: Abs: Rotation (map)

Chest: Pullover (hap)

Primary: Chest, Shoulders (pectoralis, latissimus, deltoideus)Secondary:  Abs (abdomini) The exercise Pullover trains intensively the chest muscles and in addition the wide back muscles (latissimus dorsi) Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand with the back to the point of suspension. The feet...Weiterlesen: Chest: Pullover (hap)