Schlagwort: Schlingentrainer

Schlingentrainer sind Gurtbänder mit Schlaufen die in Deckenhöhe befestigt werden um so mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht Fitnesstraining zu betreiben. Der auch in Deutschland weitverbreitete englische Begriff für Schlingentrainer ist Sling Trainer. Manchmal werden Schlingentrainer auch als Suspension Trainer bezeichnet.

Abdominals: Assisted Crunch Arms Aside with Adduction of the Legs

Primary: Abdominals, Legs (abdomini, iliopsoas)Secondary: Arms, Shoulder, Back (trizeps brachii, deltoideus, erector spinae) The assisted Crunch belongs to the standard exercises of the abdominal training. The straight abdominal musculature is stressed in an optimal way. This version is extremely intensive...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Assisted Crunch Arms Aside with Adduction of the Legs

Shoulder: Rotation Forearms Downward

Primary: Shoulder, Back (infra-/supraspinatus, teres min., subscapularis, rhomboideus maj./min.)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms (abdomini, bizeps brachii) This exercise offers a further possibility to train the muscles (rotator cuff) in the shoulder joint. This execution puts the focus on the training of the...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Rotation Forearms Downward

Shoulder: Upper Body Rotation with Flexed Arms

Primary: Shoulder, Back, Neck (deltoideus, latissimus, trapezius)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms (abdomini, trizeps brachii) In this exercise the abdominal and back muscles are trained. The purpose of an additional rotati-on is a flexibility training of the spine. The exercise is performed in...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Upper Body Rotation with Flexed Arms