Schlagwort: Schlingentraining
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, ab-/adduktoren)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise „Sidestaby“ trained stability and strength of the lateral core and hip muscles. The rotational movement requires an extremely high body tension. The following figures...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby with Rotation
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, ab-/adduktoren, iliopsoas, sartorius, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. This version additionally trains the great hip flexor...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby Both Knees Upward Movement
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, ab-/adduktoren sartorius, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise “Sidestaby” trains the stability and power of the lateral rump- and hip muscles. The lifting (abduction) of the leg trains...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby One-Legged with Abduction
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, ab-/adduktoren, sartorius, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. The pull (adduction) of the leg trains...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby One-Legged with Adduction
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs, Arms (abdomini, erector spinae, ab/-adduktoren, trizeps brachii, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. This version additionally trains the arm stretchers...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby Stretched Arm as Support
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