Schlagwort: Schlingentraining
Primary: Back, Arms, Shoulder (latissimus, erector spinae, deltoideus, bizeps brachii)Secondary: Abdominals (abdomini) This version trains besides of the wide back muscles also the posterior shoulder muscles. The VarioSling is adjusted in different lengths on each side. The following figures illustrate...Weiterlesen: Back: Low Row with Staggered Grips and Reverse Fly
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, ab-/adduktoren,iliopsoas, sartorius)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise “Sidestaby” trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. This version requires a high power in the...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby One Knee Pulled
Primary: Abdominals, Legs (abdomini, iliopsoas)Secondary: Arms, Shoulder, Back (trizeps brachii, deltoideus, erector spinae) The assisted Crunch belongs to the standard exercises of the abdominal training. The straight abdominal muscles get stressed in an optimal way. The legs get alternately pulled...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Assisted Crunch Bicycle
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum,ab-/adduktoren, iliopsoas, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. This version requires a high ischiocrural power, since...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby One-Legged, Lower Knee Pulled
Primary: Arms, Back (bizeps brachi, erector spinae, latissimus)Secondary: Abdominals, Shoulder (abdomini, deltoideus) This exercise is the early stage for the classic Low-Row in the standing position. It is perfectly suited for beginners, since they can fully concentrate on the Rowing...Weiterlesen: Back: Low-Row Seated
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