Schlagwort: Suspension training
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs, Arms (abdomini, erector spinae, ab/-adduktoren, trizeps brachii, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. This version additionally trains the arm stretchers...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby Stretched Arm as Support
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, ab-/adduktoren, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip musculature.The up- and down movement causes an expansion in...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby with Hip Up and Down
Primary: Back, Arms, Shoulder (latissimus, erector spinae, trapezius, deltoideus, bizeps brachii)Secondary: Abdominals (abdomini) Due to the body rotation at the end of the motion, the lateral abdominals get trained, besides of the wide back muscles. The Variosling is adjusted in...Weiterlesen: Back: Low-Row with Staggered Grips and Body Rotation
Primary: Chest, Latissimus, Arms, Legs, Abdominals (pectoralis, latissimus, trizeps brachii, abdomini, quadrizeps, iliopsoas)Secondary: Back (erector spinae) The Roll-out is an ideal exercise for the whole body and the abdominal muscle tension.By a greater angle of inclination of the body and...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Standing Rollout
Primary: Chest, Latissimus, Arms, Legs, Abdominals (pectoralis, latissimus, trizeps brachii, abdomini, quadrizeps, iliopsoas)Secondary: Back (erector spinae) The Roll-Out is an ideal exercise for the whole abdominal and body tension musculature.The intensity increases through the higher inclination angle and the stretching...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Standing Rollout One Arm Flexed
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