Schlagwort: Suspension training
Primary: Back, Glutes, Legs (erector spinae, gluteus max, ischiocrurale M., iliopsoas)Secondary: Shoulder (deltoideus) In this exercise, the focus is placed on the lower back portion. The pelvis is significantly raised from the ground. This variant of the „Lower Backs“ trains...Weiterlesen: Back: Lower Back Free Leg Pull
Primary: Back, Legs (erector spinae, gluteus max., ischiocrurale M.)Secondary: Shoulder (deltoideus) This exercise trains the posterior ischiocrural muscles, the buttocks and the lower back. It requires a lot of body tension. The following figures illustrate the exercise Lower Back Hip...Weiterlesen: Back: Lower Back Hip Side to Side
Primary: Back , Shoulder (erector spinae, infra-/supraspinatus, deltoideus)Secondary: Arms (trizeps brachii, palmarflexoren) The Long Back Pull is an effective exercise to train the posterior shoulder, the complete back and the arms. Due to the long lever action of the arms,...Weiterlesen: Back: Long Back Pull, U-Form
Primary: Back, Legs (erector spinae, gluteus max., ischiocrurale M.)Secondary: Shoulder (deltoideus) This exercise trains the hamstrings, buttocks and lower back. It requires a lot of body tension. Especially the mounted limb is loaded. The exercise is performed in the engagement...Weiterlesen: Back: Lower Back Hip Side to Side One-Legged
Primary: Back, Shoulder (erector spinae, rhomboideus, deltoideus, infra-/supraspinatus)Secondary: Arms (trizeps brachii, palmarflexoren) The Long Back Pull is an effective exercise to train the posterior shoulder, the complete back and the arms. Due to the long lever action of the arms,...Weiterlesen: Back: Long Back Pull, V-Form
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