Schlagwort: Balance
Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs, Arms (abdomini, erector spinae, ab/-adduktoren, trizeps brachii, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. This version additionally trains the arm stretchers...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby Stretched Arm as Support
Primary: Chest, Latissimus, Arms, Legs, Abdominals (pectoralis, latissimus, trizeps brachii, abdomini, quadrizeps, iliopsoas)Secondary: Back (erector spinae) The exercise One-legged Standing Rollout trains the whole abdominal and body-tension muscles. Lifting up one leg additionally supports the sense of balance. The following...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Standing Rollout One-Legged
Primary: Abdominals, Legs (abdomini, iliopsoas)Secondary: Arms, Shoulder, Back (trizeps brachii, deltoideus, erector spinae) The assisted Crunch belongs to the standard exercises of the abdominal training. The straight abdominal muscles get stressed in an optimal way. The legs get alternately pulled...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Assisted Crunch Bicycle
Primary: Back, Arms, Shoulder (latissimus, erector spinae, deltoideus, bizeps brachii)Secondary: Legs, Glutes (ischiocrurale M., gastrocnemius, gluteus max.) This Low-Row version trains besides of the back muscles also the sense of balance. Small variations in the inclination angle cause great changes...Weiterlesen: Back: Low-Row One-Legged
Primary: Back, Legs (erector spinae, ischiocrurale M., ab-/adduktoren) Secondary: Shoulder (deltoideus) This exercise trains the posterior part of the upper leg, the buttocks and the lower back. The pelvis is clearly lifted off the bottom. It requires a high body...Weiterlesen: Back: Lower Back Abduction
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