Schlagwort: Balance
Primary: Chest, Legs, Abdominals (pectoralis, quadrizeps, ab-/adduktoren, abdomini) Secondary: Shoulder, Arms (deltoideus, trizeps brachii) In this variant of the Chest Press alongside balance and force the use of small gluteal muscles are trained to allow lateral raising of the leg....Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest Press Holding with Abduction
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals, Back (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps, abdomini, latissimus) Secondary: Legs, Calf (quadrizeps, gastrocnemius) Expand the chest press with the pullover to additionally stressed the large back muscles. Good coordination and balance are very important when doing this...Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest Press One Hand Pullover
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps brachii, abdomini) Secondary: Legs, Back (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., erector spinae) Within this push-up variant, the body is put in a very unstable position. It demands an immensely high level of body tension...Weiterlesen: Chest: Push-up, One-Legged, One Hand in the Loop
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps/bizeps brachii, abdomini) Secondary: Legs, Calfs (quadrizeps, gastrocnemius) For this exercise, a good sense of balance and good body tension is vital. This especially trains the pectoral muscle of the laterally stretched arm strongly....Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest Press One Hand Fly
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps brachii, abdomini) Secondary: Legs, Calf (quadrizeps, gastrocnemius) This type of the classic chest press arranges for an additional requirement of the coordination and sense of balance. It requires a high full body...Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest Press One-Legged
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