Schlagwort: Tennis

Abs: Rotation (map)

Primary: Abs (abdominis transversus) Secondary: Shoulders (infra-/supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis) The two handed external rotation trains especially the lateral core muscles. These muscles support many movements while playing golf or tennis for example. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand with the...Weiterlesen: Abs: Rotation (map)

Abs: Rotation (map)

Primary: Abs (abdominis transversus) Secondary: Shoulders (infra-/supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis) The two handed external rotation trains especially the lateral core muscles. These muscles support many movements while playing golf or tennis for example. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand with the...Weiterlesen: Abs: Rotation (map)

Abs: Rotation (map)

Primary: Abs (abdominis transversus) Secondary: Shoulders (infra-/supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis) The two handed external rotation trains especially the lateral core muscles. These muscles support many movements while playing golf or tennis for example. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand with the...Weiterlesen: Abs: Rotation (map)


Für alle Athleten im Tennis ist das BST besonders gut geeignet, um vor Verletzungen vorzubeugen und Muskulatur rund um die schwachstelle Schulter aufzubauen bzw. zu stärken. Durch die enorme Bewegungsfreiheit des Systems, wird die Muskulatur gezwungen stabilisierende...