Primary: Back, Arms, Shoulder (latissimus, erector spinae, deltoideus, bizeps brachii)
Secondary: Legs, Glutes (ischiocrurale M., gastrocnemius, gluteus max.)

This Low-Row version trains besides of the back muscles also the sense of balance. Small variations in the inclination angle cause great changes in the intensity.

The following figures illustrate the exercise Low-Row One-Legged:

sling-training_Rücken_Low Row einbeinig_1.jpg sling-training_Rücken_Low Row einbeinig_2.jpg
Suspension Training Exercise For The Back

Starting Position

The upper body is leaned backwards and the back is straight. The arms are stretched and kept in front of the body. The palms point towards each other. The weight is on the heel of the supporting leg.

Final Position

The body is raised up. The arms are flexed in the elbows. The elbows remain tight on the body. The palms point towards each other. The weight is distributed on the heel of the supporting leg.

Movement 1

The arms get flexed in the elbow joint and remain tight to the body. Abdominal and back muscles are permanent tensed

Movement 2

The arms get stretched simultaneously into starting position.


Choose an anti-slip ground. Make sure to change your supporting leg!