Primary: Legs, Arms, Shoulders (quadrizeps, trizeps brachii, deltoideus)
Secondary: Abdominals, Chest, Shoulders, Glutes (abdomini, pectoralis, gluteus max.)

Lunges with tight Dips train besides of the legs also the arm stretchers and the anterior shoulder muscles.

The following figures illustrate the exercise Lunges with Tight Dips:

sling-training_Ganzkörper_Ausfallschritt_mit engen Dips_1.jpg sling-training_Ganzkörper_Ausfallschritt_mit engen Dips_2.jpg
Suspension Training Full Body Exercises

Starting Position

The upper body is straight and lightly bent forward. The legs are hip width apart. The arms are placed tight to the body and are minimal flexed in die elbow joints. The palms point to each other.

Final Position

One leg is placed far in front of the other one. The knee joints of both legs are flexed about 90 degree. The weight is shifted onto the front leg. The arms are placed tight on the body, the elbows are strongly flexed and behind the body. The palms are placed in front of the chest

Movement 1

The upper body is slowly leaned forward, at the same time a lunge is executed forward. The elbows get flexed and placed tight along the body. The weight is shifted on the front leg.

Movement 2

By using the power of the arm stretchers and the shoulder-, and ischiocrural muscles, the upper body is moved backward again.


Your body remains stretched during the whole exercise. If necessary you can push yourself back into starting position by using a higher power of the arms or legs.