Schlagwort: Bizeps
Primary: Back, Arms, Shoulder (latissimus, erector spinae, deltoideus, bizeps brachii)Secondary: Legs, Glutes (ischiocrurale M., gastrocnemius, gluteus max.) This exercise trains the back, especially the wide back muscle. The rotation in the forearm trains the arm flexor (biceps) very well. Small...Weiterlesen: Back: Low-Row with Forearm Rotation
Primary: Back, Arms, Shoulder (latissimus, erector spinae, deltoideus, bizeps brachii,)Secondary: Legs, Glutes (ischiocrurale M., gastrocnemius, gluteus max.) This exercise combines the upper back and leg training. The following figures illustrate the exercise High-Row Squat: Suspension Training Exercise For The Back...Weiterlesen: Back: High-Row Squat
Primary: Back, Arms (erector spinae, bizeps brachii)Secondary: Shoulder (deltoideus, rhomboideus) This exercise trains the arm flexors and the entire body. Small changes in the inclination angle may have a great influence on the intensity. The following figures illustrate the exercise...Weiterlesen: Back: High-Row with Biceps, Hands to Chest
Primary: Back, Arms (erector spinae, latissimus, bizeps brachii)Secondary: Shoulder (deltoideus, rhomboideus) This back- exercise trains the latissimus, which forms the contour of the back very well. Changes in the inclination angle automatically change the stress of the muscles.In this version...Weiterlesen: Back: High-Row with Different Arm Positions
Primary: Back, Arms (erector spinae, latissimus, bizeps brachii)Secondary: Shoulder (deltoideus, rhomboideus) This back- exercise trains the latissimus, which forms the contour of the back very well. Changes in the inclination angle automatically change the stress of the muscles. The rotation...Weiterlesen: Back: High-Row with Forearm Rotation
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