Schlagwort: Bizeps
Primary: Shoulder, Back (infra-/supraspinatus, teres min., subscapularis, rhomboideus maj./min.)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms (abdomini, bizeps brachii) This exercise offers a further possibility to train the muscles of the shoulder joint (rotator cuff). This version mainly uses the outward rotators. The following figures...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Rotation Forearms Upward
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps/bizeps brachii, abdomini) Secondary: Legs, Calfs (quadrizeps, gastrocnemius) For this exercise, a good sense of balance and good body tension is vital. This especially trains the pectoral muscle of the laterally stretched arm strongly....Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest Press One Hand Fly
Primary: Legs, Back, Shoulder (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., latissimus, erector spinae, deltoideus)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms, Glutes (abdomini, trizeps/bizeps brachii, gluteus max.) This complex full-body exercise trains besides of the rump muscles also the ischiocrural muscles. Moreover the sense of balance and the...Weiterlesen: Full Body: Lunges with Pullover V-Form
Primary: Legs, Back (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., latissimus, erector spinae)Secondary: Abdominals, Shoulder, Arms, Glutes (abdomini, deltoideus, trizeps/bizeps brachii, gluteus max.) This exercise mainly trains the abdominal-and ischiocrural muscles. The coordinative demand of this exercise is very high. The exercise requires the...Weiterlesen: Full Body: Lunges with One-Armed Pullover
Primary: Legs, Chest, Abdominals (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., pectoralis, abdomini)Secondary: Shoulder, Arms, Glutes (deltoideus, trizeps/bizeps brachii, gluteus max.) This exercise primarily trains the abdominal- and ischiocrural muscles. The higher the tension on the arms is, the stronger the abdominal muscles get...Weiterlesen: Full Body: Lunges with Pullover
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