Schlagwort: Bizeps
Primary: Shoulder (infra-/supraspinatus, teres min., subscapularis)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms (abdomini, bizeps brachii) The shoulder rotation exercise trains the inward rotators of the shoulder angle. For the training of the rotators the grip should not be too high. The exercise requires the...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Inward Rotation
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps/bizeps brachii, abdomini) Secondary: Legs, Calfs (quadrizeps, gastrocnemius) For this exercise, a good sense of balance and good body tension is vital. This especially trains the pectoral muscle of the laterally stretched arm strongly....Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest Press One Hand Fly
Primary: Legs, Back, Shoulder (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., latissimus, erector spinae, deltoideus)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms, Glutes (abdomini, trizeps/bizeps brachii, gluteus max.) This complex full-body exercise trains besides of the rump muscles also the ischiocrural muscles. Moreover the sense of balance and the...Weiterlesen: Full Body: Lunges with Pullover V-Form
Primary: Legs, Back (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., latissimus, erector spinae)Secondary: Abdominals, Shoulder, Arms, Glutes (abdomini, deltoideus, trizeps/bizeps brachii, gluteus max.) This exercise mainly trains the abdominal-and ischiocrural muscles. The coordinative demand of this exercise is very high. The exercise requires the...Weiterlesen: Full Body: Lunges with One-Armed Pullover
Primary: Legs, Chest, Abdominals (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., pectoralis, abdomini)Secondary: Shoulder, Arms, Glutes (deltoideus, trizeps/bizeps brachii, gluteus max.) This exercise primarily trains the abdominal- and ischiocrural muscles. The higher the tension on the arms is, the stronger the abdominal muscles get...Weiterlesen: Full Body: Lunges with Pullover
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