Schlagwort: Suspension training
Sling Trainer Ausbildung
Sling Training Ausbildungstermine in Schramberg 2013 (1. Halbjahr) Unsere Mastertrainer Dennis und Uli haben heute die Ausbildungstermine für die Slingfitness B-Lizenz im ersten Halbjahr 2013 bekannt gegeben: Sa 16. & So 17.03.2013 sowie Sa 15. & So 16.06.2013...
Primary: Legs, abs, arms (abdomini quadriceps, gluteus max., triceps brachii)Secondary: Shoulder, back (deltoideus, erector spinae) The Recrunch is a Crunch or Sit-Up in prone position. The entire abdominal- and parts of the ischiocrural muscles get stressed. This exercise is very...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Recrunch One-Legged Side to Side
Primary: Legs, Abdominals, Chest, Arms (abdomini, quadriceps, gluteus maximus, pectoralis, triceps brachii)Secondary: Shoulder, Back, Chest (deltoideus, erector spinae, pectoralis) This exercise belongs to the complex exercises and is only suitable for advanced persons. In a combination the chest-, arm- and...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Recrunch Push-Up
Primary: Legs, Abs (abdomini, quadriceps, gluteus maximus) Secondary: Shoulder, back (deltoideus, erector spinae) The Recrunch is a Crunch or Sit-Up in prone position. The entire abdominal- and parts of the ischiocrural muscles get stressed. This exercise is very appropriate for...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: ReCrunch Side to Side
Primary: Arms (bizeps brachii, brachoradialis)Secondary: Back (erector spinae) This variant of the biceps exercise trains the biceps muscle very intensively. A high body tension is required to maintain the balance. Small changes tilt angle have a big impact on the...Weiterlesen: Arms: Biceps one-armed
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