Schlagwort: Suspension training
Primary: Back, Shoulder (erector spinae, trapezius, infra-/supraspinatus, deltoideus)Secondary: Arms (trizeps brachii, palmarflexoren) The Long Back Pull is an effective exercise to train the posterior shoulder, the complete back and the arms. Due to the long lever action of the arms,...Weiterlesen: Back: Long Back Pull, Back Flexed
Primary: Shoulder, Back, Neck (deltoideus, latissimus, trapezius)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms (abdomini, trizeps brachii, palmarflexoren) This version of the upper body rotation is very challenging, since the leverages are enhanced. Abdominal back and neck muscles get trained. The exercise requires the Single...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Upper Body Rotation with Stretched Arms
Primary: Back, Shoulder (erector spinae, trapezius, infra-/supraspinatus, deltoideus) Secondary: Arms (trizeps brachii, palmarflexoren) The Long Back Pull is an effective exercise to train the posterior shoulder, the complete back and the arms. Due to the long lever action of the...Weiterlesen: Back: Long Back Pull, Straight Back
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals, Back (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps, abdomini, latissimus) Secondary: Legs, Calf (quadrizeps, gastrocnemius) Expand the chest press with the pullover to additionally stressed the large back muscles. Good coordination and balance are very important when doing this...Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest Press One Hand Pullover
Primary: Shoulder, Back (infra-/supraspinatus, teres min., subscapularis, rhomboideus maj./min.)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms (abdomini, bizeps brachii) This exercise offers a further possibility to train the muscles of the shoulder joint (rotator cuff). This version mainly uses the outward rotators. The following figures...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Rotation Forearms Upward
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