Schlagwort: Suspension training
Primary: Shoulder, Back, Neck (deltoideus, erector spinae, latissimus, trapezius)Secondary: Arms, Abdominals (trizpes brachii, abdomini) This exercise trains the shoulder, neck and back muscles. Changes in the inclination angle increase or decrease the stress. The following figures illustrate the exercise Butterfly...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Butterfly Reverse with Staggered Feet and Diagonal Arms
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps brachii, abdomini) Secondary: Legs, Back (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., erector spinae) Within this push-up variant, the body is put in a very unstable position. It demands an immensely high level of body tension...Weiterlesen: Chest: Push-up, One-Legged, One Hand in the Loop
Primary: Shoulder, Back, Neck (deltoideus, supra-/infraspinatus, erector spinae, trapezius)Secondary: Arms, Abdominals (trizpes brachii, abdomini) The extension with the outward rotation additionally trains besides of the shoulder, neck and back a part of the rotator cuff. This consists of multiple muscles,...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Butterfly Reverse with Staggered Feet and Outward Rotation
Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps brachii, abdomini) Secondary: Legs, Back (quadrizeps, erector spinae) The Push-up requires a large abdominal muscle strength. The Pus-up is one of the most effective exercises to train chest, arms and the body...Weiterlesen: Chest: Push-up, Staggered Hands
Primary: Shoulder (infra-/supraspinatus, teres min., subscapularis)Secondary: Abdominals, Arms (abdomini, bizeps brachii) The shoulder rotation exercise trains the inward rotators of the shoulder angle. For the training of the rotators the grip should not be too high. The exercise requires the...Weiterlesen: Shoulder: Inward Rotation
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