Primary: Abdominals, Legs (abdomini, iliopsoas)
Secondary: Arms, Shoulder, Back (trizeps brachii, deltoideus, erector spinae)

The assisted Crunch belongs to the standard exercises of the abdominal training. The straight abdominal musculature gets stressed in an optimal way. This version includes a rotation in the hip joint. The straps of the VarioSling have an angle of 60-45 degree and point in the direction of the legs. The suspension point is placed behind the head.

The following figures illustrate the exercise Assisted Crunch with Stretched Legs from Side to Side:

sling-training_Bauch_Assisted Crunch mit gestreckten Beinen von Seite zu Seite_1 sling-training_Bauch_Assisted Crunch mit gestreckten Beinen von Seite zu Seite_2
Suspension Training Exercise For Abdominals

Starting Position

The head, back and buttocks are placed on the bottom. The legs are stretched up forward. The feet and knees are in direct contact. The shoulders are lifted off the bottom. The arms are stretched; the palms point forward and are placed next to the body.

Final Position

The head is lifted off the ground. The back and buttocks are placed on the bottom. Both legs are leaned to one side and point up forwards. The hip is leaned to the according side; one part of the buttocks is lifted off the bottom.

Movement 1

The stretched arms are bent to one side with the help of the hip until a clear tension in the lateral abdominals is recognized. The according part of the buttocks is lifted off the bottom.

Movement 2

The stretched legs get moved in the other direction. The whole motion is similar to a windscreen wiper.


Exercise slowly and try not to tilt completely on one side by tensing your abdominals. The wider you place your arms, the more balanced is your upper body.