Primary: Chest, Shoulder, Arms, Abdominals (pectoralis, deltoideus, trizeps brachii, abdomini) 

Secondary: Beine, Rücken (quadrizeps, erector spinae)

The push-up requires a large abdominal muscle strength. The push up is one of the most effective exercises to train chest, arms and the body stability. The further the distance from the suspension point, the more intense is the exercise for the abdominal muscles.

The following figures illustrate the exercise Push-up:

sling-training_Brust_Push up_1 sling-training_Brust_Push up_2
Suspension Training Exercise For Push-Up Workout

Starting Position

Put the feet to the loops (alternatively lower leg or thigh). Set your hands 10-20 cm away from  the  shoulders.  Tense  your  stomach  by pulling the belly button inward.

Final Position

Lower the body and the chest to the ground.
Lift the head up slightly. Hold the stomach un-
der tension and lift your lower back slightly to
avoid a hollow back.

Movement 1

The arms are bent to 90 ° in the elbow. The body will be kept extended under tension.

Movement 2

The arms are extended back and the body will be upwards as far as possible.


Only bend and stretch your arms while your body remains in a fixed position! Combine the Push-up with the ReCrunch.