Primary: Legs, Chest, Shoulder (quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., pectoralis, deltoideus)
Secondary: Abdominals, Back, Arms, Glutes (abdomini, erector spinae, trizeps brachii, gluteus max.)
Besides of the ischiocrural muscles this version of the lunges also trains the chest muscles in connection with the anterior parts of the shoulder muscles.
The following figures illustrate the exercise Lunges with Chest Press:
Suspension Training Full Body Exercises | |
Starting Position The back is upright and the upper body is lightly leaned forward. The arms are stretched and placed in front of the body but not higher than shoulder level. The palms point downward. | Final Position In the final position one leg is placed forward. The weight is on the heel of the front leg. Knee-and elbow joints are flexed about 90 degree. The elbows are placed besides of the body on shoulder level. |
Movement 1 One leg is placed far in front. Both knee joints are flexed in an angle of 90 degree. The weight is shifted on the leg in front, at the same time the elbows get flexed. The elbows are placed besides the shoulder now. | Movement 2 With support of the “lunge leg” and the chest muscles you push yourself back up in the starting position. The “lunge leg” is shortly in the air. |
Hint: The patella of the anterior leg should be on the level of the tiptoes or under it. Depending on the needs you can upright your upper body either with help of the chest muscles or the ischiocrural muscles. |