Schlagwort: Schlingentraining
Primary: Legs (ab-/adductores.)Secondary: Hip Flexor, Back (iliopsoas, gluteus max., latissimus) In this exercise all the muscles are stretched, which cause an adduction of the leg. Feel the stretchingin the inner thighs. The following figure demonstrates the stretching exercise for the...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Inner Thigh
Primary: Back (erector spinae, latissimus)Secondary: Legs (semitendinosus, semimenbranosus, biceps femoris, iliopsoas, gluteus maximus) In this exercise the lower and middle back are stretched intensively. The following figure demonstrates the stretching exercise for the lower back: Suspension Training Stretching Exercise Holding...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Lower Back
Primary: Shoulder (deltoideus)Secondary: Legs, Back (gastrocnemius, ischiocrurale M., rhomboideus) In this exercise the shoulder musculature is stretched very well. The follwong figure demonstrates the stretching exercise for the shoulder: Suspension Training Stretching Exercise Holding Position The upper body is leaning...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Shoulder
Primary: Back (rhomboideus, latissimus)Secondary: Legs (semitendinosus, semimenbranosus, biceps femoris, iliopsoas, gluteus max) In this exercise, the majority of the back musculature is stretched perfectly. The follwoing figure demonstrates the stretching exercise for the upper back: Suspension Training Stretching Exercise Holding...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Upper Back
Primary: Calf (gastrocnemius, soleus) Secondary: Hip Flexor (iliopsoas, gluteus max.) In this exercise the calf muscles are stretched intensively. The follwong figure demonstrates the stretching exercise for the calf: Suspension Training Stretching Exercise Holding Position The body is located in...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Calf
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