Primary: Arms, Back, Shoulders  (biceps brachii, erector spinae, latissimus)
Secondary: Abs, Shoulders (abdomini, deltoideus)

In the exercise Low-Row, a high force can be applied. The exercise requires a good body tension to avoid a rotation in the upper body.

Variosling-PT-Rudern-Stehend-1-web Variosling-PT-Rudern-Stehend-2-web
Sling Training Bauchübung

Starting Position

Stand frontally to the anchor point. The feet are in a slight step position with the inner leg forward and the legs slightly bent at the knee. The exercising arm is outside and shows to the front in extension of the rope. The back is always straight.  
The PT is on the side of the exercising arm holding the rope under tension by leaning the upper body backward.


The arm is bent at the elbow and pulled back. The elbow is guided past close to the body.
Subsequently, the PT pulls the trainee back to the starting position by shifting his body weight away from the pulley.

Due to the resistance of the trainee could be very high, the PT should work on this exercise with stretched arm and his body weight.