Archive: Übungen

Stretching: Neck

Primary: Neck (trapezius)Secondary: Back (latissiumus, rhomboideus) In this exercise the neck (trapezius) is stretched. The follwing figure demonstrates the stretching exercise for the neck: SuspensionTraining Stretching Exercise   Holding Position Your body is positioned between the loops. The arms are...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Neck

Stretching: Glutes

Primary: Glutes (gluteus maximus/medius/minimus)Secondary: Back (latissimus) In this exercise, the gluteus maximus is stretched perfectly. The following figure demonstrates the stretching exercise for the glutes: Suspension Training Stretching Exercise Holding Position The upper body is leaning slightly back and the...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Glutes

Stretching: Chest 1

Primary: Chest, Shoulder (pectoralis, deltoideus, infra-/supraspinatus)Secondary: Legs, Back (gastrocnemius, ischiocrurale M., rhomboideus) For this exercise, in addition to the chest muscles and the rotator cuff muscles are stretched. The following figure demonstrates the stretching exercise chest with arms flexed upwards:...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Chest 1

Stretching: Chest

Primary: Chest, Shoulder (pectoralis major, deltoideus) Secondary: Legs, Back (gastrocmenius, ischiocrurale M., rhomboideus) In this exercise, the chest muscle (pectoralis major) is stretched. The following figure demonstrates the Suspension Training stretching exercise Chest with arms flexed: Suspension Training Stretching Exercise...Weiterlesen: Stretching: Chest

Back: Low-Row from top (hap)

Primary: Arms, Back, Shoulders  (biceps brachii, erector spinae, latissimus)Secondary: Abs, Shoulders (abdomini, deltoideus) In the exercise Low-Row, a high force can be applied. The exercise requires a good body tension to avoid a rotation in the upper body. Sling Training...Weiterlesen: Back: Low-Row from top (hap)

Back: High-Row (hap)

Primary: Shoulders, Back, Arms (rhomboideus, latissimus, biceps brachii)Secondary: Shoulders (deltoideus) This exercise mainly trains the upper back, which determines the contour of the back significantly. The body must be strongly stabilized in the core area. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand...Weiterlesen: Back: High-Row (hap)

Back: Long Back Pull (map)

Primary: Back, Shoulders (erector spinae, trapezius, infra-/supraspinatus, deltoideus)Secondary: Arms (triceps, palmar flexors) The Long Back Pull is an effective exercise to train the posterior shoulder, the entire back and arms. The long lever arm effect of the exercise is targeted...Weiterlesen: Back: Long Back Pull (map)

Back: Deadlift (lap)

Primary: Legs, Glutes, Back (quadriceps, gluteus, erector spinae)    Secondary: Shoulders, Arms (deltoideus, biceps brachii) The Deadlift is an elementary exercise for the whole body. Many muscles work with the movement. Especially the back extensor are trained here. Sling Training...Weiterlesen: Back: Deadlift (lap)

Chest: Pullover (hap)

Primary: Chest, Shoulders (pectoralis, latissimus, deltoideus)Secondary:  Abs (abdomini) The exercise Pullover trains intensively the chest muscles and in addition the wide back muscles (latissimus dorsi) Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand with the back to the point of suspension. The feet...Weiterlesen: Chest: Pullover (hap)

Chest: Chest-Press (map)

Primary: Chest, Shoulders, Arms (pectoralis, deltoideus, triceps brachii) Secondary: Abs (abdomini) The Chest-Press exercise intensively works out the chest and arm muscles. The core muscles must be extremely stabilized as well. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand sideways to the suspension...Weiterlesen: Chest: Chest-Press (map)

Chest: Flys lying (lap)

Primary: Chest, Abs (pectoralis, transversus)Secondary: Arms, Shoulders (triceps, deltoideus) The exercise Fly trains intensively the entire chest muscles. The feet have an important role to play regarding the core training and can be set wider if necessary. Training Bauchübung Starting...Weiterlesen: Chest: Flys lying (lap)

Abs: Rotation (map)

Primary: Abs (abdominis transversus) Secondary: Shoulders (infra-/supraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis) The two handed external rotation trains especially the lateral core muscles. These muscles support many movements while playing golf or tennis for example. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionStand with the...Weiterlesen: Abs: Rotation (map)

Abs: Assisted Side Crunch (lap)

Primary: Abs, Chest, Shoulders (pectoralis, abdomini, deltoideus)                                 Secondary: Back (latissimus dorsi) This exercise trains both the abs and the pectoral muscles. Due to the rotation, especially the lateral abdominal muscles are trained. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionLay on your back...Weiterlesen: Abs: Assisted Side Crunch (lap)

Abs: Pullover lying (lap)

Primary: Abs, Chest, Back (pectoralis, abdomini, latissimus dorsi, teres major)                   Secondary: Shoulders, Arms (deltoideus, triceps)) This exercise trains both abdominal and chest muscles very intensively. The upper bodyis slightly raised performing the pullover exercise for the abdominals. Sling...Weiterlesen: Abs: Pullover lying (lap)

Legs: Abduction (lap)

Primary: Legs (ischiocrurale, ab-/adductores, gluteus)Secondary: Abs (abdomini) The exercise Abduction trains the muscles which pull from hip to leg on the side of your body. The abductor muscles are responsible for stretching the leg laterally. : Sling Traning Rückenübung Starting...Weiterlesen: Legs: Abduction (lap)

Arms: Triceps-Press (hap)

Primary: Arms, Chest (triceps brachii, pectoralis)Secondary: Shoulders, Back (deltoideus, latissimus) The exercise Triceps-Press mainly trains the arm extensors. The body must compensate for the one-handed movement. A step position increases stability. Sling Training Armübung Starting Position Start facing the point...Weiterlesen: Arms: Triceps-Press (hap)

Back: Reverse Fly (hap)

Primary: Shoulders, Back, Neck (deltoideus, erector spinae, rhomboideus, trapezius)Secondary: Arms, Abs (triceps, abdomini) The Reverse Fly is one of the basic exercises of the shoulder workout. This exercise is great to strengthen the shoulder and neck area. Sling Training Rückenübung...Weiterlesen: Back: Reverse Fly (hap)

Shoulders: Side Raise (lap)

Primary: Shoulders (deltoideus, supraspinatus)Secondary: Back, Chest (trapezius, serratus anterior) The Side or Lateral Raise is an intensive exercise for the shoulder muscles. Here, mainly the lateral part of the deltoid muscle is trained. Sling Training Armübung Starting Position Stand sideways...Weiterlesen: Shoulders: Side Raise (lap)

Legs: Rotating Kicks down

Primary: Legs, Abs (quadriceps, ischiocrurale M., abdomini)Secondary: Chest, Arms, (pectoralis, tricpes brachii) This exercise claims the holding force throughout the body besides the front and back of the tight and the lower abdominal muscles. Sling Training Armübung Starting PositionThe arms...Weiterlesen: Legs: Rotating Kicks down

Abs: Recrunch Tuck up One Leg

Primary: Legs, Abs, Arms (iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, triceps brachii)Secondary: Shoulders, Back (trapezius, erector spinae) The Recrunch is supplemented here by an additional movement of the legs and is coordinated and more sophisticated! Sling Training Armübung Starting PositionDepending on...Weiterlesen: Abs: Recrunch Tuck up One Leg

Abs: Recrunch Running

Primary: Legs, Abs, Arms (iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, hamstrings, triceps brachii)Secondary: Shoulders, Back (trapezius, erector spinae) The exercise Recrunch is supplemented here by a movement of the legs and thus to a very intense abdominal and leg exercise. Sling Training...Weiterlesen: Abs: Recrunch Running

Abs: Sidestaby with Abduction

Primary: Abs, Back, Legs (abdominis, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, ab-/adductores, sartorius,quadriceps)Secondary: Shoulders, Chest, Leg (deltoid, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) This exercise trains the stability and strength of the lateral torso and hip muscles. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting PositionThe feet are hooked into...Weiterlesen: Abs: Sidestaby with Abduction

Legs: Abduction

Primary: Legs, Back (gastrocnemius, hamstrings, adductores, erector spinae)Secondary: Shoulders (deltoid) In this exercise, the hamstrings, glutes and lower back are trained.The pelvis is signifi cantly raised from the fl oor. It requires a high level of body tension in order...Weiterlesen: Legs: Abduction

Back: Rotate High Row

Primary: Back, Arms (erector spinae, latissimus, biceps brachii)Secondary: Shoulders (deltoid, rhomboids) This exercise trains especially the upper back, which determines the contour of the back significantly. Changes in the inclination angle change automatically the exercise stimulus. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting...Weiterlesen: Back: Rotate High Row

Back: Reverse Fly

Primary: Arms, Shoulders (biceps brachii, deltoid, infra-/supraspinatus)Secondary: Back (erector spinae) This exercise trains both the back muscles and the rotator cuff in an intensive way. The tension in the upper body must be maintained throughout the exercise. Sling Training Bauchübung...Weiterlesen: Back: Reverse Fly

Arms: One Arm Biceps to Chest

Primary: Arms (biceps brachii, brachioradialis)Secondary: Chest, Back (pectoralis major, erector spinae) This exercise is very focused on the biceps and requires a well-developed body tension.The elbows should be positioned at shoulder level. Sling Training Bauchübung Starting Position The body is...Weiterlesen: Arms: One Arm Biceps to Chest

Abdominals: Recrunch One-Legged with Rotation

Primary: Legs, Abdominals, Arms (iliopsoas,gluteus max. quadrizeps, ischiocrurale M., trizeps brachii)Secondary: Shoulder, Back (deltoideus, erector spinae) The Recrunch is a Crunch or Sit-Up in prone position. The entire abdominal- and parts of the ischiocrural muscles get stressed. This version requires...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Recrunch One-Legged with Rotation

Abdominals: Recrunch on Elbows and Sloping Tuck Up

Primary: Legs, abdominals, arms (iliopsoas, quadriceps, ischiocrurale M., gluteus maximus)Secondary: Shoulder, back (deltoideus, erector spinae) The Recrunch is a Crunch or Sit-Up in prone position. The entire abdominal- and parts of the ischiocrural muscles get stressed. The small rotation movement...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Recrunch on Elbows and Sloping Tuck Up

Abdominals: Assisted Crunch with Stretched Legs from Side to Side

Primary: Abdominals, Legs (abdomini, iliopsoas)Secondary: Arms, Shoulder, Back (trizeps brachii, deltoideus, erector spinae) The assisted Crunch belongs to the standard exercises of the abdominal training. The straight abdominal musculature gets stressed in an optimal way. This version includes a rotation...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Assisted Crunch with Stretched Legs from Side to Side

Abdominals: Assisted Crunch with Power Lift

Primary: Abdominals, Legs (abdomini, quadrizeps., iliopsoas)Secondary: Arms, Shoulder, Back (trizeps brachii, deltoideus, erector spinae) The assisted Crunch belongs to the standard exercises of the abdominal training. The power lifts are only advised for advanced people. Besides of the straight abdominals,...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Assisted Crunch with Power Lift

Abdominals: Sidestaby with Rotation

Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, ab-/adduktoren)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise „Sidestaby“ trained stability and strength of the lateral core and hip muscles. The rotational movement requires an extremely high body tension. The following figures...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby with Rotation

Abdominals: Sidestaby One-Legged, Upper Leg Stretched

Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, ab-/adduktoren,, ischiocrurale M., quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. Additionally it strengthens the hip flexor and is...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby One-Legged, Upper Leg Stretched

Abdominals: Assisted Crunch Arms Aside with Adduction of the Legs

Primary: Abdominals, Legs (abdomini, iliopsoas)Secondary: Arms, Shoulder, Back (trizeps brachii, deltoideus, erector spinae) The assisted Crunch belongs to the standard exercises of the abdominal training. The straight abdominal musculature is stressed in an optimal way. This version is extremely intensive...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Assisted Crunch Arms Aside with Adduction of the Legs

Abdominals: Sidestaby Arm on Hip

Primary: Abdominals, Back, Legs (abdomini, erector spinae, ab-/adduktoren, quadrizeps)Secondary: Shoulder, Chest, Calf (deltoideus, pectoralis, gastrocnemius) The exercise Sidestaby trains the stability and power of the lateral rump and hip muscles. The exercise provides many possibilities to vary the position. The...Weiterlesen: Abdominals: Sidestaby Arm on Hip